Konichiwa everyone,
At Warrnambool Primary School we study Japanese as a second language. Students participate in an Japanese lesson once a week and are involved in a wide range of activities such as music, singing, drawing, puppet making, role-playing, stories and games.
Welcome to Japanese
During LOTE, students engage in the study of the Japanese language and culture. This is to allow students to gain a deeper understanding of Japan and understand the difference and similarities they have with Australia. Students learn about the geographical location of Japan and the effect that has on their country.
During 2022 students focused on learning Japanese greetings, feelings, numbers and colours. They have been able to converse with each other using phrases they have learnt, focusing on the correct pronunciation. Students have practised responding to questions and talking about their feelings.
Students also learn about the uniqueness and culture of Japan including their traditions, beliefs, foods, clothing, festivals and animals. Many of these elements are new to students and allows them to see how different two countries can be. There are many fascinating aspects that students have learnt about Japan which increases their curiosity about the country.
A major celebration that was a focus in 2022 was Undokai-Japanese Sports Day. Undokai is celebrated in Japan every year to commemorate the opening of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. It is a fun filled sports day with an emphasis on teamwork and communciation. Students at Warrnambool Primary School celebrated this day by participating in a range of Japanese games, learning and practicing new games and skills. All students had an enjoyable time joining in the celebration.
We also have a Japanese Garden which provides students with a quiet space to sit, relax and reflect during recess and lunch. This is a much loved space by our students who take pride in looking after and maintaining the space for all to enjoy.