At Warrnambool Primary School, Mathematics is taught across the proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning which are fundamental to learning and working mathematically. Our comprehensive curriculum is organised by three strands:

 – Number and Algebra

– Measurement and Geometry

– Statistics and Probability

Students engage in a minimum of four hours of Mathematics each week.

Mathematics is apparent in all aspects of our daily lives and gaining competence during the primary school years is important. From Foundation to Year 6, we have high-quality Mathematics teaching where students are provided with hands on, challenging, exciting, and enjoyable learning experiences. We utilise a whole school lesson model with all children participating in Explicit Direct Instruction. This means that teachers explain and model new concepts and skills before guiding students to practise new skills in an interactive and responsive environment. In each lesson, students work on tasks at and beyond their current level of thinking, teachers communicate high expectations, use purposeful feedback and growth mindset, and establish classroom norms for working.

Year level teaching teams plan Maths units together, providing consistency across all classrooms. Teachers build strong relationships with all students and ensure that support through maths lessons provides for the needs of all our learners.

Our learning approach provides intervention and extension, catering for the individual child and reaching each child at their point of need. We offer targeted small group intervention and support in maths. Our Maths Enrichment program delivers lessons for extending students who are working beyond expected level in Years 2 to 6.

At Warrnambool Primary School, our aim is to ensure that students are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active members of a community.