The Role of School Council
School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. The school council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students, and have three main responsibilities:
- Finance – overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation.
- Strategic Planning – participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan.
- Policy Development and Review – developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
Other key functions of school councils include:
– raising funds for school-related purposes
– maintaining school grounds and facilities
– entering into contracts
– reporting annually to the school community and the Department
– representing and taking the views of the community into account
– regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds
– operating a children’s service at the school.
More information is available on School Councils here.
School Council
School Council at Warrnambool Primary is made up of a group of parents and staff who give up their time to make a considerable contribution to the effective governance of our school. There are 8-10 meetings annually with the committees being made up of Education, JSC (Junior School Council reporting), Buildings and Grounds, Wellbeing, Fundraising and Finance.
Of the eight elected members of Council from the parent cohort, there are four positions elected each year, for a two-year term. The Council is also made up of staff members (including the Principal) and co-opted community members, who bring additional skills to the Council. The School community is notified about nominations every year and we would encourage you to get involved in the School Council as an excellent way to make a contribution to the school community.
If Council is not for you, you can make a contribution in other ways, including through volunteering as an in-class helper or helping with various fundraising activities throughout the year.